Composer | Educator
Korean-born American composer Texu Kim writes music inspired by everyday experiences, music about modern (south) Korea reflecting its multicultural nature.
Texu's music has been performed by the New York Philharmonic, San Francisco Opera Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, Oregon Symphony, San Diego Symphony, Detroit Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, National Orchestra of Korea, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble Intercontempoarin, Alarm Will Sound, and Ensemble Modern, among many others. Winner of the 2021 Barlow Prize and 2023 Fromm Foundation Commission, his music has earned honors and awards from the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, Isang Yun Foundation, ASCAP/SCI, Ilshin Foundation, and Copland House. Currently teaching at San Diego State University as an associate professor, Texu served as the Korean National Symphony Orchestra's Composer-in-Residence and the Artist-of-the-Year at the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra. 작곡가 김택수의 작품은 뉴욕 필하모닉, 샌프란시스코 오페라, 샌프란시스코 심포니, 오리건 심포니, 샌디에이고 심포니, 디트로이트 심포니, 미네소타 오케스트라, 세인트폴 체임버 오케스트라, 국립국악관현악단, 서울시립교향악단, 앙상블 모데른, 알람 윌 사운드, 앙상블 앵테르콩탱포랑, 등등의 단체에 의하여 연주되었다. 그의 음악은 버를로우 작곡상, 하버드 프롬재단, 치비텔라 라니에리 재단, 코플랜드 하우스, 윤이상 작곡상, 일신문화재단으로부터 입상하였다. 국립심포니오케스트라 상주작곡가, 부산시립교향악단 올해의 예술가 등을 역임한 김택수는 현재 샌디에이고 주립대학 (San Diego State University) 교수로 후학을 양성하고 있다. |
Music Samples |
Performances2024-25 Season
7/1 Diptych on "Veni Creator Spiritus" (WP), Oakland, CA 7/18-19 Blow, Fly, Pop!! Plymouth, NH 7/24 Diptych on "Veni Creator Spiritus," (EU Pr.) Tønsberg, Norway 7/30-31 Birdsongs (Asia Premiere), Pyeongchang , S.Korea 8/3 Diptych on "Veni Creator Spiritus," Oslo, Norway 8/4-10 Del Mar International Composers Symposium, Del Mar, CA 8/10 Fanfare for PyeongChang, Del Mar, CA 8/11 Ev'ry Corner Sings, San Diego, CA 8/24 Sunset in Depoe Bay, Seoul, S.Korea 8/24 with/out (Asia Premiere), Seoul, S.Korea 9/12 Līlā, Changwon, S.Korea (Asia Premiere) 9/28 Welcome Home!! (WP), San Diego, CA 10/4 Dub-Sanjo, Milwaukee, WI 10/5 Ominous Omnibus (Asia Premiere), Seoul, S.Korea 10/11-13 CWU New Music Festival, Ellensburg, WA 10/12 Hiccups!!, Ellensburg, WA 10/12 Sweet, Savory, Spicy!!, Ellensburg, WA 10/12 Co. Ko. - un poco Loco & Convivio, Ellensburg, WA 10/17 Sudoku Divertimento, Gangneung, S.Korea 10/23 산복도로 & 산속에서, Oxford, UK 10/25 Sweet, Savory, Spicy!!, London, ON 11/1 guest talk, Berkeley, CA 11/16 Co.Ko. - un poco Loco, Vermillion, SD 11/22 Sweet, Savory, Spicy!!, Busan, S.Korea 11/26 Pahdo, Seoul, S.Korea 11/29 Sori-Mori-Nori (WP) & Uhsrem (WP), Seoul, S.Korea 12/7 The New Year's Magpie Song, Philadelphia, PA 12/9-10 Pansori Fantasy (WP), Seoul, S.Korea (2025 from here) 1/5 Infinity Loop, San Francisco, CA 1/10-11 pre-concert talk, San Diego, CA 1/24 Co.Ko. - un poco Loco, Newton, MA 1/29 Blow, Fly, Pop!!, Syracuse, NY 2/1 Ongoing (WP), Seoul, S.Korea 2/6 Pansori Fantasy, Kansas City, MO 2/8 Ritus Sanitatem, mov.3, Louisville, KY 2/17 Sonata Amabile, Ann Arbor, MI 2/18 guest talk, Ann Arbor, MI 2/22 Ciaconna di Stella (WP), Seoul, S.Korea 2/25 Co.Ko. - un poco Loco, Huntsville, AL 4/13 Ritus Sanitatem, Minneapolis, MN 5/1 Lots of As and a Bunch of Bs (WP), Chicago, IL 5/10-11 pre-concert talk, San Diego, CA 5/17 Chopsalteok, Boston, MA 5/17-18 Lots of As and a Bunch of Bs, New York, NY 6/6 Ko-Oh (premiere of revised version), Los Angeles, CA 7/31 Infinity Loop (EU premiere), Stockholm, Sweden |